Friday, May 2, 2008

Prepare For Law School

So, you have made the decision to enter law school. The journey that you’re set to take will change you forever. Most of the admission officials of the country’s top law schools, will not hesitate to let you know that the hardest part of getting a degree at their specific school is getting in. At top law schools such as Yale, you only have 5 – 8 percent of those who apply, getting in. The battle that many must take to get into a top law school is enough to discourage all but the most determined individuals. The reason behind the arduous application process to these top law schools is solely because of the enormous value of achieving a degree from these institutions.

People that graduate from these top law schools typically earn up to two or even three times as much as those who hold degrees at lesser law schools. Another advantage of graduating from a top law school is having better choices of law firms, better job security and having the ability to choose to work in legal disciplines that are more interesting to them.

Applying to Any Law School Requires Planning and Research

It is certainly best practice to start your decision process early as far as choosing the right law schools that you wish to attend. Make sure your being realistic, but don’t be deterred from aiming for the top. The law school admission process generally consists of the following while each school may have some other specialised information that they require:
The Law School Application Process

he Interview: This is where the admission dean of the school evaluates you. Your communication skills, confidence and overall demeanour is vital here. It is also imperative that you have solid recommendations that will deliver a high impact for you. You can find more information on interview preparation by visiting