In general, online learners should strive to possess the following qualities:
1. Be able to think ideas through before responding.
Meaningful and quality input into the virtual classroom is an essential part of the learning process. Time is given in the process to allow for the careful consideration of responses. The testing and challenging of ideas is encouraged; you will not always be right, just be prepared to accept a challenge.
2. Be able to communicate through writing.In the virtual classroom, nearly all communication is written, so it is critical that learners feel comfortable in expressing themselves in writing.
3. Be self-motivated and self-disciplined.With the freedom and flexibility of the online environment comes responsibility. The online process takes a real commitment and discipline to keep up with the flow of the process.
4. Be willing to "speak up" if problems arise.Many of the non-verbal communication mechanisms that instructors use in determining whether learners are having problems (confusion, frustration, boredom, absence, etc.) are not possible in the online paradigm. If a learner is experiencing difficulty on any level (either with the technology or with the course content), s/he must communicate this immediately. Otherwise the instructor will never know what is wrong.
5. Have access to a computer and a modem.
The communication medium is a computer, phone line, and modem; the learner must have access to the necessary equipment.